
European Federation of Geologists Webinar

Energility had the opportunity to present at a EFG webinar on "Digital outcrops and data integration in the Metaverse, a powerful combination to reduce subsurface uncertainty" together with Claudia Ruiz-Graham from Imaged Reality. A recording of this webinar is available to watch at your leisure.


The Geoscience of CCS Using Virtual 3D Outcrop Analogues and Virtual Core

RPS announced the addition of a new CCS course to their Energy Transition | Carbon Capture, Storage and Utilisation Program: N586: The Geoscience of CCS Using Virtual 3D Outcrop Analogues and Virtual Core. The course will be delivered twice in 2023 in a virtual format in May (9-11) and November (7-9) with instructors Tip Meckel and Jurriaan Reijs. A great course for geoscientists and petroleum engineers interested in using their skills for CCS and its effective subsurface evaluation.
To view the full course summary and to book your place click on the link.


RPS webinar on “Capability Building for CCS”

Energility had the opportunity to present on the geoscience of CCS course at a RPS webinar on Capability buidling for CCS with speakers form industry and academia and a lively discussion afterwards. It is clear that an enormous growth of capacity building is required to make the aspired CCS growth target required to make the Paris agreement a reality. A recording of this webinar is available to watch at your leisure.


'The Geoscience of Carbon Capture and Storage' Virtual Instructor-led Course

On 27, 28 & 29 September, 2022 we held the 'The Geoscience of Carbon Capture and Storage' Virtual Instructor-led Course. The course was well-received with participants from Beijing to Bogotá. The next course is not scheduled yet. You can find more information here or indicate you interest via the contact page of this website.


'Geological observations to predict CO2 behaviour in CCS projects' Webinar

We had a great turn out of 463 attendees for this webinar. We were able to use virtual field trips in ‘Stratbox’, to show how geological observations can be used to predict CO2 behaviour at CO2 storage sites. We compared the observations of analogue outcrop of the Bookcliffs in Utah and core from the North Sea, with real subsurface observations and CO2 monitoring data of the Sleipner CCS project in Norway and discuss how the geology impacts CO2 behaviour in the subsurface. This is just one example of the insights of 'The Geoscience of Carbon Capture and Storage' virtual instructor-led course that Dr Tip Meckel and Dr Jurriaan Reijs will teach in September 27-29th. The webinar concluded with highlighting the breadth and depth of content this unique CCS course offers. Check out the webinar recording or sign out for the course her or here.


'The Geoscience of Carbon Capture and Storage' course

ENERGILITY GEOCONSULTING is really excited to announce the next run of the course "Geoscience of Carbon Capture and Storage", developed in collaboration with Dr Tip Meckel from the Bureau of Economic Geology and IMAGED REALITY LTD.

Virtual Instructor-led Course – 3 half-day sessions
(07:00-11:00 (CDT / Houston), 13:00-17:00 (BST / London), 14:00-18:00 (CET / The Hague))
Next date:
27-29 September 2022 (registration closing date: September 16th)
Pricing: 1,500 USD (+additional credit card fees)

For more information and to register please follow this link.


Carbon Storage Dialogues

At the Carbon Storage Dialogues organised by EBN in Rotterdam, Jurriaan Reijs presented 'Realising Ambitious Carbon Storage Goals: The Specialist Skills Challenge'. You can find a video summary of the day on the EBN site (in Dutch) and a written summary on LinkedIn (in English).